Sunday, November 22, 2009

Real, or fake, you decide

This is a real Certificate of Live Birth  from the same hospital Barrack Hussein Obama was born at the very next day.

Barrack Hussein Obamas Certificate of Live Birth, note the lack of any signiture of any kind.

That smear in the middle bottom appears to be a date stamp on the back of the "Certificate" of Nov 3 2007. There is no sign of any watermark or raised seal of an official government certificate. I can make up one of these with photoshop and a laser jet printer too!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Can a Commander in Chief act more stupidly?

I doubt it, I seriously doubt it. What was his first action as the President of the United States? He called terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the terrorist Fatah party. This has been admitted to by the White House Spokesperson. He made a phone call to the enemy. How stupid can any Commander in Chief act? He denies the Czech Republic and Poland protection from attack from Russia's Marxist Putin. Basically he handed those republics over to Putin, ripe for picking any time he wants. He has never been in the military and knows nothing of military protocol. For goodness sake, he visited a cemetery on Veterans day and failed to cover his heart during the National Anthem! I'm a veteran, I'm very much alive Mr. President! Don't insult the flag by not at least covering your heart. After all you saluted flagged caskets at your Photo Op at the expense of families of fallen souldiers.

Listen, our Commander in Chief fired the top commander in Afghanistan and installed General McChrystal, this is his choice, his man. He met with his top general one time after appointing him the commander of that theater of war. That's right, we are at war (I have more on that later) and Obama is correct in one aspect. This is not a war on terror. This is a war against Islamic Jihadists, period. The only problem is our commander in chief is Islamic. He claims to be a Muslim by Heratige. However, Muslim is a religion, like Christian. Islam is a nation, ummmm... yeah! Like the United States of America! Do you think that there was nothing of truth when President Barrack Hussein Obama said to George Stephanopoulos " Muslim faith." before quickly correcting it to what he wanted to be heard, "my Christian faith"? This hypocrite criticized the Sermon on the Mount given by Jesus Christ. He referenced the 57 states of these United States not once, but twice. There are 57 Islamic States. No Christian American could ever, EVER make these kinds of Freudian slips. It's not part of their spiritual, emotional, intellectual conscience or sub conscience in any manner, way, shape or form... EVER! Did I say ever? Only an Islamist would utter these faux pauxs.

We are a nation at war, but we are spoiled. I always though that the right thing for President Bush to do to get the point across would be to ration milk, aluminum foil, meat, cigarettes, sugar, coffee and gasoline for a month. Why were these items and others rationed During WWII? Because we were throwing everything we had at the enemy, the Empire of Japan and the Third Reich of Germany. The sacrifice of war reached each and every American. What have you sacrificed to lend to the defeat of the Taliban and Al Qaeda? I dearly wish I was young enough and healthy enough to put the uniform back on and get into the fight. Islam is a threat to my freedom and the freedom of my children. More on this later.

Here is the deal. You fight a war one way and one way only. You fight with overwhelming force to anialate the enemy. You go in shooting and you don't stop until nobody shoots back. I heard an account of a pilot that was rescued on an recently occupied Pacific island during World War II. he was escorted to a tent and handed a .45 automatic pistol and told, "If anyone comes into your tent, shoot them, we'll sort it out in the morning." Gee, I wonder how Major Nidal Malik Hasan would have faired in that environment... It's called war. The false sense of security that American Service members are safe on American soil is... ummm... well... talk to someone who lost a loved one on 9/11.

You put fear in the people of the territory like Afganistan (Please, don't even think of going there, it is not a sovereign nation), if those in the theater of war harbor or withhold information about insurgents or guerillas they will be punished. If weapons are fired form a building at our troops, turn it into rubble. if the fire comes from an open area, carpet bomb it.  Non uniformed combatants that are captured are to be executed on the spot within the tenants of the Geneva Convention. If I were president and McChrystal asked for Forty Thousand more boots on the ground, I would say "Take One Hundred Thousand, Stan!" Now he has no excuse to fail. He can't come back and say "Gee, Mr. President, we really needed Seventy Five Thousand." Overwhelming force. Now the troops have strength, back up and confidence. Anyone who has served knows this is what is needed to win. Our casualties would be incredibly decreased. Did I mention overwhelming force?

Now the enemy would be saying things I cannot express, cursing the day they took up arms. They would run and hide in rat holes like Saddam Hussein, quaking in their sandals.

When the shooting stops you rebuild. You rebuild the infrastructure, the hospitals, the schools, agriculture, (after you destroy the poppy fields) and industry. You win the hearts and the minds of the people. You ensure that they will never be subjugated, abused and demeaned by any megalomaniac charading as a Mullah. You let them build a sustaining democracy. Then you watch over them to make sure there is no reversionism. After all, we still have a military presence in Japan and Germany fifty plus years later.

I dare you to run my proposal past any service member in theater (except the Islamists that the military won’t confront in the name of diversification) and find a negative response. However, this is not the way the Islamic President of the United States wants things to go. If he was the American President of the United States... gee... I wouldn't feel the need to have this blog would I?!

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm in the Blogosphere Now

Well, here I am... starting a blog. I never thought I would start a blog but with prodding by my wife and brother I decided to give it a go. I would like to use my blog to bring out my opinion on what is going wrong with America. Not just on the national level but on every level right down to my neighborhood. I'll also talk about some of my interests in life. These may include my interest in computing and some of my views about the computing world... the fact that I am involved in starting a church... or some of my observations in the sporting world as well as some of my comments about Lame Stream News.

The reason I decided to start this blog is that I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take the crap that is coming out of the lame stream media. For instance, the final straw that broke the non bogging Joe's back was an article on Yahoo News from the Associated Press. In this article they went after Fox News Channel for showing video that was not associated with the story they were broadcasting. In this instance the Fox News Channel showed a video of Sarah Palin that was from the presidential campaign. they meant to show the crowds at the mall for Sara Palins book signing of Going Rogue, An American Life.

In the article there were no facts about the book signing. or the thousands of people that wanted to get their books signed by Sarah, but had to be turned away because they limited the function to 1000 people. Fox News Channel did post an apology for the production mistake. I really wish The AP would have at least mentioned the throngs of excited people vying for a book signature.

I saw the original piece that Fox News Channel aired and I also saw the video they intended to show. The video of the animated Sarah Palin lovers in Grand Rapids, Michigan would have been much more favorable towards Sarah Palin than the campaign video. AP also lambasted Fox News Channel for this being the second time a wrong video was displayed.

They also brought up the mistaken video that FNC showed of a Glenn Beck rally a couple of months ago instead of the video of the anti Socialist Medical Plan demonstrators at the capital. Actually it was brought to the attention of Jon Stewart and on his show. AP couldn't come up with this on their own, they have to depend on a hack comedian for material. I was going to post a link to this but I'm not going to promote the daily show. And here again, the material they intended to show was more telling and more favorable towards the demonstrators than the video shown.

My poor wife and children have had to put up with my rants and raves over the past few years of AP's poor grammar and misspellings and Yahoo News ability to post headlines with a link to a completely different story. So the gloves are off. I will post these screw ups right here in my little ol' blog. Now I'm no wizz at pros, not by a long shot, I've only taken one college level English course and I am by no means a writer or journalist. I’m just a common Joe who is fed up.